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Welcome back to school


St. Mochulla's NS will reopen for all children on Monday September 3rd at 9:10am. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to our school.






Confirmation 2018


Resize confirmation 2018

Congratulations to the boys and girls of sixth class who received the sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Fintan Monahan on the 25th of May.




Green Schools.


Green Schools comm with Coast Guard resized


St. Mochulla's Green Schools Committee with members of Killaloe and Doolin Coast Guard who visited our school recently as part of our latest Green Schools project, "Global Citizenship and The Marine Environment."






St. Patrick's Day 2018


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Well done to our everyone who took part in the Tulla St. Patrick's Day Parade. St. Mochulla's Green Schools Committee marched under the title of Global Citizenship The Marine Environment.




Peace Proms


Resize Peace Proms 1


On Saturday February the 3rd, 6th class travelled to The RDS to Perform in The Dublin Peace Proms. This was a wonderful experience for the children who will have lasting memories of this special occasion.


Quiz success.



Resize St. Tolas Quiz Winners


Well done to Katelyn, Finn Cathal and Rhianne who won the annual St. Tola's Quiz in Shannon recently.


Resize Credit Union Quiz


Congratulations to our two senior quiz teams who came joint second at the Credit Union Quiz recently. Here they are pictured with their trainer Ms. Forde.





Panto in UL.

On Monday and Tuesday, December 18th and 19th, children from Juniors to 3rd classes will attend the panto in UL. This years panto is Cinderella and promises to be a very enjoyable experience.


Carols by Candlelight.

On Wednesday evening at 7pm in St. Peter and Paul's Church Tulla, the children of St. Mochulla's will perform a selection of Christmas Carols. All are welcome to enjoy what should be a very festive occasion.


2018 School Calendar

The Parents Association have produced a lovely school calendar. This could make a perfect stocking filler and are available from the office at a cost of €7 each or 3 for €20.


The pupils and staff of St. mochulla's National School would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Christmas.










Clare Primary Schools Cross Country.


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Well done Zoe!


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Congratulations to Lisa and Evie.


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St. Mochulla's athletes who competed in the Clare Primary Schools Cross Country Championships in Lee's Rd. Well done girls!!





Parent Teacher Meetings.


Resize Parent Teacher Clipart


Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, November 22nd and 23rd. 


Parents Association.


parents association logo

There will be a meeting of St. Mochulla's Parents Association on Monday, November 13th at 8pm in the school. All are welcome. 


6th Class visit The Toomeens in Kiltannon.

St. Mochulla's Halloween Witch Walk 2017

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Witch Walk. Well done to all our scary witches, ghosts and monsters.