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Cash for Clobber.
Cash for Clobber will be collected from the school on Tuesday next, October 10th. Bags of clothes may be left in to the school on Thursday and Friday mornings, (ordinary black plastic sacks will do for clothes). Thanks you for your continued support of this valuable fundraising initiative.
School Mass and Prayer Service
There will be a prayer service for the children from Junior Infants to 2nd Class and Mass for the children from 3rd to 6th on Thursday October 12th next. Due to the unavailability of the church, these events will have to be held in the halla. While we would love parents to come along to these events, space in our halla is unfortunately at a premium particularly when all the children are there. However if you would like to come along and “squeeze” in, you are more than welcome.
School Closure on Tuesday October 24th.
St. Mochulla’s NS will be closed on Tuesday October 24th to facilitate staff training in The New Primary Language Curriculum.
Internet Access Permission
Please sign and return the attached Internet Access Permission Form to your class teacher. A copy of St. Mochulla’s Acceptable Use of The Internet Policy can be viewed on the school website.
The internet and the virtual world can greatly benefit our children’s education if used positively. However in this day and age we are all aware of the perils and pitfalls of the online environment. Please speak regularly to your child about the pros and cons of the internet and please continue to monitor their online activity.
St. Mochulla’s Parents Association Meet and Greet and AGM
The AGM of St. Mochulla’s Parents Association will be held on Monday October 16th in the halla. The AGM will be preceded by a meet and greet session at 8pm. Please come along and support the great work being done by our Parents Association.
Witch Walk 2017
We will hold our annual Sponsored Witch Walk again this year on the last day of term, Friday October 27th. Children are invited to dress up in Halloween Costume and together we will walk around the village. Sponsorship cards will be available soon. We will be distributing one sponsorship card per family. There is no need to return this card until after the mid term break. We would appreciate it if it could be returned then.
East Clare Primary Schools Cross Country

Girls Under 10 Cross Country Team who came third at The East Clare Primary Schools Cross Country Championships at Lee's Road.
Congratulations and well done to all our athletes who took part in the East Clare Primary Schools Cross Country Championships at Lee's Road on September 14th last. Congratulations to Lisa Nicholas on coming first in the girls under 10 race, to Zoe Quinn who came 3rd in the girls under 8 and to Evie Quinn who came seventh also in the girls under 10s. Well done also to our girls under 10 team of Lisa Nicholas, Evie Quinn, Fia Purcell, Sophie Murphy, Joanna McCarthy and Aoife Boyce who came third in the girls under 10 team event.
Welcome Back to everyone. St. Mochulla's will reopen for all pupils on Wednesday August 30th. We are looking forward to seeing you all!
Write a Book 2017
Congratulations to Juliette, Ava, Alan and Katelyn who were successful at this years Write a Book competition. They are pictured here at the awards ceremony in The Inn at Dromoland with Pat Hanrahan, Director of Clare Education Centre and Sharon Dilger, Principal of Holy Family Junior School.
Ireland 2040 Poster Competition
Back in January Green Schools across Ireland were invited to take part in a poster competition entitled “Ireland 2040 – Our Plan”. Students had to create an A3 poster which would show how they would like Ireland to look in the future. We are delighted to announce that Jennifer Nicholas in 6th class is the national winner of this competition.
Jennifer being presented with her award by minister Simon Coveney.
Jennifers winning picture.
Green Schools Award Ceremony
On Thursday, May 4th our Green Schools Committee travelled to The Galway Bay Hotel where we were awarded our 7th Green Flag for Global Citizenship and Energy.
St. Mochulla's Green Schools Committee recieving our 7th Green Flag for Global Citizenship and Energy. Well done everybody.
Opening of New School Extension.
On Wednesday March 15th our new three classroom extension and link was opened by former principals Brian Torpey and Sister Eileen. This project was only made possible through the generosity of the local community and in particular the generosity of the nine major sponsors. A plaque has been erected in the new link to acknowledge this generosity.
Féile na hInse 2017
Comhghairdeas le gach duine a ghlac páirt i bhFéile na hInse an tseachtain seo chaite. Comhghairdeas len ár Banna Cheoil a bhuaigh comortás na bannaí cheoil, le Éabha agus Jennifer a bhuaigh an comortás agallamh beirte don triú bhliain as a chéile agus le foireann tráth na gceist, Dara, Dylan, Donal agus Lucas a tháinig sa dara áit.
Banna Cheol Mhochulla Naofa.
Buateoirí agallamh beirte do rang a sé.
Foireann Tráth na gCeist.
Buateoirí comórtas aiste agus ealaíne.
Agallamh Beirte - Rang a cúig.
Enrolment 2017.
Enrolment is currently under way for September 2017. Anyone wishing to enrol a child for September should contact the school office for an enrolment application form.
Credit Union Quiz 2017
St. Mochulla's entered 4 teams in this years Credit Union Quiz. Once again all our teams performed very well. Congratualtions to Cathal, James, Fionn and Lisa who came 3rd in the under 11 category. Thanks to Ms. Forde for all her work in preparing the children for the quiz.
Primary Science Fair 2017.
On January 19, 6th class travelled to Mary Immaculate College in Limerick to participate in The RDS Primary Science Fair. Their project was based on the famous Kiltannon Caves and was entitled " Exploring the rocky ridges of caves and caverns. What are The Toomeens?" The boys and girls had a great day out and we extend a huge thanks you to Brendan Worlsfold for all his help and guidance in putting this project together.
Green Schools Christmas Decoration Competition.
Congratulations to the winners of our Green Schools annual Christmas Decoration made from recyclable materials competition.
Carol Service 2017
On Tuesday December 20th the boys and girls of St. Mochullas performed a lovely Carol Service in St. Peter and Pauls Church which set the mood beautifully for Christmas.
The Pirate Queen - Performed by 6th class
The cast of The Pirate Queen. A play based on the life of Granuaile, performed by 6th class. The play was written by local historian Kieran Sheedy and produced by Ms. Bohan.
School Calendar 2017
St. Mochulla's 2017 School Calendar available from the office. €10 each or 3 for€25.
Green Schools Commitee visit Ardnacrusha.
Our Green Schools Committee recently visited Ardnacrusha Power Station. Ardnacrusha was Ireland's first power station and it was opened in 1928. It is a hydro-electric powerstation, this means that it uses water to generate electricity.
Christmas Fair 2016
Santa Claus arrives in St. Mochulla's. Well done to all of you that helped organise our Christmas Fair and thanks to everyone that supported it. A great day was had by all.
Join us on Sunday November 27th in St. Mochulla's Halla for our Christmas Fair.
Christmas Market Stalls.
Kids Disco with dancing from noon.
Santas Grotto open from 1 - 3 with professional photographer. (2 prints for €10)
Refreshments - tea, coffee and mulled wine.
Admission: €5 per child (Max. €15 per family) includes disco, Santa and refreshments. Adults Free
All Welcome!!
Clare Primary Schools Cross Country
Congratulations to Evie who came 3rd in The Clare Primary Schools Cross Country recently.
The Green Schools Committee
Green Schools Commitee visit the school garden.